Just a girl, a camera and the strange things that pass by infront of it...world beware, you may end up on here.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

How far?

3/8 not 1/2 or 3/4...ok kids how far is 3/8 of a mile?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

You forgot something

I did the unthinkable today....I went an entire afternoon without my phone.  Amazing I know but I assure you it can be done!  I saw some strange things too which made me sad I had no camera more than no communication device.  I owe my 6 loyal followers a double dose of fresh entertainment tomorrow..... so here to tie you over is an oldie from my Facebook page.

Friday, January 4, 2013

No internet??

Just strap on your Verizon Jetpack and fly around until you find free Wi-Fi!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

So on my 40ish mile drive home down Interstate 270 this evening I saw 2 random things within 1/4 mile of each other.

1.  A car facing the wrong direction in the middle lane.
2.  A man pushing a shopping cart down the shoulder.

Have a nice night.

Testing .....

Just a quick trial to see if I can work this blogger app thinger....

Looks like I got it....now, why do we think a catastrophe would be so organized it would need designated parking?

**Note:  it appears I originally tried to post this last year and for some reason it never went through.  Neato.**
Hello and Happy New Year. 

I know I've started and stopped this here blog a few times and you people who actually joined and followed me are probably wondering if I will actually follow through for more than 4 days.  Well, after numerous people telling me that I should start and maintain a blog of what I see, I decided to make that my goal for 2013.

365 days of oddness and pictures for you to follow along with.  Feel free to remind me when I miss a day and I will give you fair warning if I cannot post due to whatever reason. 

Since my first posting was on Jan 2, I feel I owe all 6 of you loyal followers and I have no odd photos yet so here's a conversation I overheard while waiting for the elevators 1st thing this morning which made me worry about the people working in my building.

Lady 1:  Pffft, girl you know I ain't be's workin' no more than 8 hours and shit.
Lady 2:  Yea I feel you.
Lady 1:  I get in the here at qwarta til sevens and I be out by free fiftee'en
Lady 2:  oooooohhhhh girl....now what time it be?
Lady 1:  Fo'reals?  You know it be qwarta til sevens now I ain't playin'.

....and scene.  Your federal tax dollars at work kiddies!

Clearly these ladies are striving for greatness in their careers. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013